Following Regional Decree No. 23 issued on April 3, 2020 by the President of the Regional Council of Tuscany, which assigns to the Region the coordination of serological testing, identifying the subjects to whom it is destined in this initial phase, MiniHospital suspends the execution of anti-COVID 19 serological tests.
The decree, which identifies at-risk categories and individual risk factors, allows for the possible involvement of private healthcare facilities, and MiniHospital confirms its willingness to contribute to the extent deemed useful by our Region.
The initiative, currently suspended, was born in collaboration with SNAMI (National Autonomous Union of Italian Doctors) and involves the search for IgM and IgG antibodies against Covid-19, capable of indicating whether the individual has a more or less recent immune response, a premise for subsequent analysis of other acquired knowledge. MiniHospital and SNAMI had offered and continue to offer the data acquired so far to the Prevention Department of the ASL Tuscany Nord Ovest.
MiniHospital believes that the health situation determined by the Covid-19 pandemic requires responsible behavior that faithfully follows ministerial and regional guidelines, a broad contribution from everyone, and virtuous behaviors in the fight against the spread of the virus.
Understanding the epidemiological trend of Covid-19 in the population, including at-risk categories but ultimately all citizens, by identifying immunized individuals and asymptomatic carriers, will be very important for preventing contagion and making the sacrifices currently required reversible while waiting for a vaccine to become available.