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Andrea Tinagli


Dr. Andrea Tinagli graduated in Medicine and Surgery from the University of Pisa. Initially, he focused on the discipline of Neurology, obtaining his specialization – also at the University of Pisa – in July 1983. Subsequently, he transitioned to psychiatry, dealing with other disorders of the central nervous system and completing his specialization in Psychiatry at the University of Siena in November 1996.

He worked as a public health service employee (first at the USL 16 Valdera, then at the USL 5 Company in Pisa) as a Psychiatrist from the end of 1983 until September 2016 when he retired; in the final years of his career, he held a top managerial position.

During his years in public service, he engaged in various clinical activities but predominantly worked in the hospital setting, directing the psychiatric ward of Pontedera (PI) for many years, closely collaborating with other hospital specialties through mutual consultation. His main focus was on diagnosis and treatment, particularly psychopharmacological treatment.

He also obtained certification in Psychotherapy, following an eclectic training, primarily conducted in support and mainly based on relational and psychodynamic models. Since 2017, he has been practicing privately as a Psychiatrist, emphasizing a holistic medical approach to patient care, incorporating neurological expertise for the preliminary assessment of possible organic causes of psychiatric disorders and comorbidities (psychiatric patients often suffer from other illnesses, requiring a holistic approach since the patient is a psychosomatic “whole”). His activities include diagnosis, pharmacological therapy, and psychotherapeutic support when indicated, all within a framework centered on the therapeutic relationship.

+39 0587 609134


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