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Reconstructive plastic surgery

Reconstructive plastic surgery

Plastic surgery, which aims to correct and reconstruct morphological or functional defects of various body tissues, can be reconstructive or aesthetic. Often these two activities overlap. Thanks to this branch of surgery, it is possible to modify the shape of parts of the body, mostly related to the skin and subcutaneous tissue, with the aim of improving their appearance.

The defects that can be restored are of various natures: congenital, resulting from trauma, or due to the onset of neoplasms or other degenerative pathologies. There are numerous plastic surgery procedures practiced, among them: tumors of the skin appendages, xanthelasmas, aesthetic suturing of facial wounds, corrections of earlobe fissures, removal of skin neoplasms, repair of small tissue losses with grafts or local flaps, surgical cleansing of small burns, surgical revision of small scars, adipose tissue grafting “lipofilling”, reconstruction of the nipple-areola complex, limited liposuction, complicated scalp cysts, surgical wound revisions, skin grafts on limited wounds or burns, breast reconstructive surgery, eyelid tumors with plastic surgery, blepharoplasty and canthoplasty, mentoplasty, breast augmentation, breast reduction, otoplasty, liposuction, thigh lift, insertion and replacement with definitive prostheses of skin expanders, scar correction with skin grafts, Z-plasties or local flaps, correction of capsular retractions after breast implantation, earlobe repair, genital labiaplasty.

Many plastic surgery procedures are performed on an outpatient basis, but the most complex ones, such as breast augmentation, breast lift, and abdominoplasty, require not only a thorough examination by the plastic surgeon but also blood tests, electrocardiogram, and anesthesiologist consultation.

Undergoing the aforementioned procedures should be a well-considered decision made with absolute peace of mind. For this reason, our specialists will provide you with all the information you seek in a clear and detailed manner. Most procedures are performed under general anesthesia, with or without intubation, with either day surgery or hospitalization for one to two nights depending on the type of procedure. One or more postoperative checks are scheduled not only for clinical monitoring of the procedure but also to ensure that the patient has regained psychological and physiological balance as quickly as possible.

Among the possible interventions:
– upper blepharoplasty, lower blepharoplasty, complete blepharoplasty
– mini facelift
– complete facial lift (face and neck), thigh lift, arm lift
– single area liposuction
– liposuction two or three areas
– rhinoplasty
– nose tip
– chin prosthesis
– breast augmentation, reduction mastoplasty
– mastoplexus
– prosthesis replacement
– gynecomastia
– abdominoplasty and mini abdominoplasty
– otoplasty
– phimosis
– epithelioma – lipoma
– removal or local demolition of skin lesions by electrocoagulation
– removal or destruction of skin growths by laser

Breast addiction

This is one of the most requested cosmetic surgery procedures by women, which involves increasing breast volume to improve shape and proportions.

Who can undergo breast augmentation surgery? All healthy women, even those who have recently given birth or breastfed, who wish to enhance their physical appearance and have a desire to increase the size of their breasts and improve their shape and proportions.

When can I return to my normal life after surgery? You can return to light office work about 1-2 weeks after the procedure. Within 3-4 weeks, most of the swelling should have resolved, resulting in a softer and more natural-looking breast.

Can breast implants interfere with mammography?

Breast implants can interfere with mammographic readings in some patients, mainly those with implants placed subglandularly (above the muscle). This disadvantage is significantly reduced with submuscular implants (behind the muscle). This is a significant concern for women with a strong family history of breast cancer, for whom submuscular implantation is therefore recommended.

Can a sagging breast be “lifted” with the placement of a breast implant?

Most breasts will be “lifted” at least moderately with the placement of a breast implant, due to the “wedge” effect. The degree to which this occurs is quite variable and primarily depends on individual characteristics and the elasticity of a woman’s skin, as well as the size of the implant being placed.

Breast reduction

It is the plastic and aesthetic surgery procedure that allows reducing the volume of overly large breasts or correcting breast asymmetry, eliminating related discomfort.

Who can undergo breast reduction surgery? Breast reduction surgery is recommended for all women who, due to excessively large breasts, experience the following issues: pain in the breast region, breathing problems, back pain in the cervical and lumbar region, insecurity and social discomfort, ulceration in the inframammary fold.

What is the best time to have surgery?

Breast reduction surgery is a type of procedure for which there are no age limits. However, it is advisable not to undergo the procedure before the age of 16, when the breasts have reached their full development.

When can I return to my normal activities after the surgery?

It is recommended that the patient take a break from work activities for at least a couple of weeks and refrain from engaging in sports for about a month.


Mastopexy, also known as breast lift, is a plastic and aesthetic surgery procedure aimed at correcting breast ptosis, which is the sagging of the breast downward.

Who is recommended to undergo mastopexy? Mastopexy is recommended for women who have sagging breasts, often caused by factors such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, or aging, or who wish to modify the shape and size of the areola.

What is the standard duration of a mastopexy?

The mastopexy procedure, completely painless, lasts approximately an hour and a half but can also extend to three hours.

How long after the operation can one return to their daily routine?

It is important to rest for the 48 hours following the procedure. After 7-10 days, it will be possible to resume one’s work activities without any issues.


It’s a procedure that redefines and tightens the abdominal profile by removing loose and excess skin, excess fat, and stretch marks. The reshaping of the abdominal muscle wall, which is performed concurrently with abdominoplasty, reduces the waistline and slims the hips.

Liposuction, when necessary, can be performed during abdominoplasty to optimize and enhance the definition of the abdomen and hips profiles and contours.

The most requested abdominoplasty is post-pregnancy, aimed at eliminating scar sequelae from cesarean section and correcting, when present, post-pregnancy hernias, umbilical or peri-umbilical.

The abdominoplasty procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and through a suprapubic incision, the surgeon surgically ascends, identifies any issues with the abdominal wall, and brings the abdominal muscles closer together. Typically, the procedure requires an overnight stay.

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Plastic and reconstructive surgeon
Plastic and reconstructive surgeon

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