The health situation determined by the Coronavirus epidemic requires everyone to behave with a great sense of responsibility. In this context, MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” is operational and continues to provide its services by implementing a series of organizational and technical measures to ensure complete safety. In particular, in compliance with the decrees issued by the Government (DPCM 9 March 2020 and subsequent) and by the Tuscany Region (GRT ordinance no. 8 of 6.3.2020 and subsequent, no. 18 of 25.3.2020 in particular) for the containment and management of the Covid-19 emergency, we have implemented all necessary precautions to protect our patients and staff at every stage of the care process.
Specifically, in healthcare activities where it is not possible to maintain a one-meter distance between patients or between patients and healthcare workers, it is mandatory to wear a surgical mask, which is provided free of charge to patients upon admission, regardless of the procedure to be performed. MiniHospital staff are naturally required to wear it. The management of patient flow has been reviewed and optimized to allow for distancing (in terms of time and space) of patients during admission and service delivery.
Access to the hospital is permitted only for patients and not for accompanying persons, except in cases related to the patient’s own needs or in cases of inability to be autonomous. Additionally, additional hand sanitizer dispensers have been set up for the convenience of patients and healthcare workers, ensuring their availability in all areas. The frequency and intensity of normal cleaning and sanitization procedures for both healthcare and transit areas have been increased.