Dott.ssa Vittoria Pitti

The professional figure of the Dietitian is involved in nutritional education for all ages and creates personalized nutritional plans, both for healthy individuals and for those with specific pathological or physiological conditions. What does the Dietitian specifically deal with?
Improvement of lifestyle and change of dietary habits Creation of nutritional plans for chronic diseases (diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal diseases…) Creation of specific nutritional plans for athletes, in association with any supplementation. Women’s health (pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, PCOS, endometriosis, amenorrhea…) Nutritional rehabilitation in Eating Disorders Nutritional education for vegetarian or vegan diets, intolerances, allergies, celiac disease… Support for complementary feeding (weaning) and nutritional education for pediatric age.
So what services does it offer?
- PERSONALIZED NUTRITIONAL PLAN: a specific path designed for the patient, aimed at achieving health goals, without neglecting the importance of creating a healthy relationship with food and the body. The path includes:
An initial visit (approximately 60-90 min) in which I will investigate the patient’s expectations, motivations, and goals. I will take note of any pathological conditions, the presence of intolerances/allergies, and dietary habits. I will agree with the patient on the path I intend to take, explaining the changes and improvements I intend to make to their diet. In short, what will happen during the visit will be:
- Medical history referring to diagnoses made by the attending physician, present or past
- Dietary and physical activity history
- Weight history
- Measurement of anthropometric parameters (weight, height, BMI, circumferences)
- Determination of treatment goals The dietary plan, which I will develop in 4-5 working days, includes:
- A series of nutritional education tips
- A series of tips related to individual pathologies
- A list of recommended packaged products to facilitate shopping
- A highly personalized dietary plan
- A series of recipes that can be replicated independently Follow-up visit (approximately 30-60 min), during which I will discuss with the patient about the sensations, doubts, and difficulties that may have emerged during the process. We will accordingly agree on the changes or not to be made to the plan, so that they can align with their needs and requests.
The documents needed to book the first visit are:
- The most recent blood tests you have (maximum 1 year), both generic and/or specific for pathology;
- The commitment of the attending physician of your choice (general practitioner, gynecologist, etc.). The commitment must be handwritten on headed white paper, signed and stamped, or a similar document can be filled out by the physician, which will be sent at the time of booking the visit;
- Completed and signed “Privacy Consent” form, which will be sent at the time of booking.
- NUTRITIONAL EDUCATION: a path aimed at those who want to learn how to eat in a healthier and more conscious way. It is a meeting (or a series of meetings) whose main purpose is to provide all the information so that the patient can, independently, follow a healthy and balanced diet.

+39 0587 609134
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