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Nephrological evaluation is crucial for the early diagnosis of any renal or systemic pathology involving the kidneys, in order to prescribe specific therapies not only for treatment but also for slowing down the progression towards chronic renal insufficiency, which, if managed appropriately, can delay its progression to dialysis.

Nephrology visit and depth tests

A thorough nephrological examination combined with specific laboratory tests and possible instrumental investigations allows the diagnosis of multiple pathologies, such as glomerular, tubulointerstitial, and vascular nephropathies, arterial hypertension and nephroangiosclerosis, autoimmune diseases, kidney stones, and recurrent urinary tract infections. Additionally, the nephrologist deals with the management of patients undergoing kidney and kidney-pancreas transplantation and treatment with immunosuppressive therapies to prevent organ rejection. Often, the same immunosuppressive drugs are used in the treatment of renal pathologies, especially if autoimmune in nature.

An important aspect that also involves the nephrologist is pre-existing renal pathologies during pregnancy or those that can develop, especially in the later months.

There are some hereditary renal pathologies and some extremely rare syndromes, often diagnosed at a non-young age or discovered during nephrological evaluation.

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