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It is the specialist branch concerning the study and treatment of tumors affecting both solid organs and blood. The improvements achieved in recent years in the field of clinical diagnosis have led to the identification of a greater number of cancer cases, a portion of which would not have been previously detected. Significant advancements in imaging diagnostics and other diagnostic techniques have significantly increased, beyond the cases, the accuracy in cancer diagnosis.

Oncological visit and depth tests 

The oncology visit is a fundamental step in relation to tumor pathologies. It is requested by the attending physician for patients in case of already diagnosed cancer, when there is suspicion related to medical test results, to arrange new investigations, and to establish a specific therapy. The oncology visit is generally requested when clinical tests (blood tests, urine tests) or instrumental tests (X-rays, CT scans, MRI, endoscopies) raise suspicion or have revealed alterations that require evaluation by an oncologist, namely a doctor specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.

The oncology visit allows for the evaluation of the results of clinical and instrumental tests already performed and possibly to prescribe new ones to best set up therapies to treat cancer. The patient is welcomed by a specialized and multidisciplinary team coordinated by the oncologist, who collects as much information as possible about the patient’s history and lifestyle: diet, smoking habits, level of physical activity and sedentary behavior, any ongoing medical conditions, previous interventions, family cases of similar pathologies, medication intake.

The doctor also evaluates all the clinical documentation in the possession of the patient, reconstructing the medical history and analyzing all available data. They perform an objective examination, which can last from 30 minutes to an hour, during which they proceed with the auscultation of the heart, checking the pulse and breathing, palpating the abdomen, searching for swollen lymph nodes, and performing other physical tests.

Subsequently, if needed, they prescribe all the necessary tests for patients who require further diagnostic investigations: blood tests, radiological exams, biopsies, endoscopies. Or, if the diagnostic picture is already clear, they indicate to the patient the most suitable treatment path for the case: surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, hormone therapy, therapy with biological drugs. In some cases, such therapies can be combined.

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