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The Surgical area at MiniHospital: ISO 5 standard safety

The MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” area, dedicated to surgery includes two operating rooms compliant with the highest level of safety and equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and technologies: one of them follows the ISO 7 standard and one follows the ISO 5 standard. Both adhere to the UNI EN ISO 14644-1:2016 standards regarding airborne particulate concentrations, with protection for the operating table, instrument table, and sterile storage. To ensure this result, the operating room facilities provide adequate air treatment systems with constant renewal through filtration.

The ISO 5 requirement is necessary, according to the mentioned ISO standards, for orthopedic, neurosurgery, oncology, and organ transplant procedures: and in any case for all procedures lasting more than 60 minutes.

Currently, MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” is authorized to provide services classified by the Tuscany Region as “Complex Ambulatory Surgery”, for which general anesthesia may be used and which involve postoperative observation but not a proper postoperative stay.

The preoperative/recovery area for patient preparation and postoperative observation

Within the operating block, there is an area designated for “preparing” patients in the phase preceding surgical treatment. In the same spaces, patients are attended to at the end of the procedure until they are transferred to one of the four postoperative observation rooms, located outside the operating block.

Surgical Services offred by MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini”

As previously mentioned, specific procedures can be performed under local or general anesthesia, included in the list of Complex Ambulatory Surgery, with the possibility of staying in the facility for up to 12 hours after the surgical treatment.

MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” has initiated the construction of a dedicated continuous care unit that will enable the performance of any type of surgical procedure, alongside the necessary facilities such as Intensive and Subintensive Care. The completion of the works and the subsequent regional authorization will require approximately three more months.

The availability of continuous care represents for the patient the opportunity to undergo any necessary surgical intervention, as well as the possibility for those who require it to extend their stay in the facility for a longer period than the standard one: this aspect can be particularly important for those who live alone or far away, or for those who do not have the possibility of receiving adequate care at home.

In the surgical area, procedures in numerous disciplines can be performed, and below is a partial but indicative description, referring to the current phase (as per DGR no. 932/2017 of the Tuscany Region), predating the availability of a dedicated continuous care unit.

An aspect sometimes not adequately considered is that the allocation of a specific type of intervention to a specialty may not be so strict, and, above all, specialists from multiple branches may perform the same procedure or execute the intervention as a team, combining their expertise to the benefit of the patient.

General Surgery

general surgery In the outpatient setting, it treats skin and subcutaneous pathologies including inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, pilonidal cyst, sacrococcygeal cyst, ingrown toenail, lipomas, as well as all other suspicious skin lesions for which ambulatory removal is required for histological typing.

Reconstructive plastic surgery

The reconstructive plastic surgery deals with ingrown toenails, xanthelasma, aesthetic suturing of facial wounds, correction of earlobe clefts, incisional or excisional biopsies, removal of skin neoplasms including tumors, repair of small tissue losses with local flaps or grafts, surgical cleaning of minor burns, surgical revision of small scars, adipose tissue grafting, lipofilling, reconstruction of the areola/nipple complex.

Furthermore, it includes localized liposuction, complicated scalp cysts, sacrococcygeal cysts, revision of surgical wounds, skin grafts for limited wounds or burns, some breast surgery interventions, eyelid tumors with plastic surgery, blepharoplasty and canthoplasty, mentoplasty, thigh lift, insertion and replacement of definitive prostheses for skin expanders, scar correction with skin grafts, Z-plasty or local flaps, helical ear reconstruction, genital labiaplasty.

Surgical endoscopy

There are many application areas of surgical endoscopy :

  • In gynecology, there is talk of vulvoscopy, colposcopy, and hysteroscopy: they allow for the diagnosis and treatment of vaginal and uterine pathologies such as cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids
  • in otorhinolaryngology, endoscopic techniques are used for the treatment of sinusitis and to intervene on lesions inside the nose and throat; finally, some local treatments for snoring
  • in gastroenterology, it is possible to identify, biopsy, and treat neoplasms both in gastroscopy and during colonoscopy, in addition to some bariatric surgery treatments

Ophthalmic surgery

The main treatments of ophthalmic surgery They include nasolacrimal duct intubation, excision of eyelid neoplasms, pterygium, xanthelasma, treatment of ectropion, entropion, blepharochalasis, including complete blepharoplasty. Intravitreal injections are also performed, as well as treatment for cataracts, retinal tears, capsulotomy with Yag Laser, and iridectomy with Yag laser.

Dermatologic surgery

With dermatologic surgery

Many cutaneous or subcutaneous neoplasms can be treated, including: moles, cysts, lipomas, fibromas, papillomas, HPV lesions (warts, condylomas), seborrheic or actinic keratoses, melanomas, and epitheliomas – carcinomas. Treatment can be carried out for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.

Vascular Surgery

The main treatments in vascular surgery are: Sclerotherapy and radiofrequency therapy of the saphenous trunks, saphenous collaterals, and extra-saphenous collaterals, sclerotherapy of telangiectasias, classic ablative surgical therapy, ulcer therapy, treatment of lower and upper limb lymphedema, surgical treatment of vascular lesions.

Gynecologic Surgery

In addition to what is reported in endoscopic (gynecological) surgery, laser vaporizations and conizations can be performed for vaginal and uterine pathologies such as condylomas and fibroids. It is also worth mentioning the fractional CO2 laser treatment for vulvar and vaginal rejuvenation.

Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Surgery

The orthopedic surgery It deals with the treatment of lesions of various origins (inflammatory, degenerative, or traumatic) affecting different areas: the foot (metatarsalgia, hallux valgus, hammer toes), the hand (carpal tunnel syndrome, thumb basal joint arthritis, Dupuytren’s disease, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis), the knee (meniscus and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis), the shoulder (rotator cuff injuries), etc.

Urological Surgery

In urological surgery Surgical procedures are performed in traditional or endoscopic urological surgery and genital surgery: removal of hydrocele and varicocele, removal of epididymal cysts and spermatoceles, removal and ablation of testicular lesions, penile and testicular prosthesis implantation, circumcision, and frenuloplasty.

Proctological Surgery

In proctological surgery The following procedures are performed: elastic band ligation or sclerosing injections for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidectomy with radiofrequency scalpel, laser therapy, evacuation of hemorrhoidal thrombosis and perianal hematoma, procedures for perianal abscess, neoformations, and fistulas, botulinum toxin infiltrations, prolapsectomies.

The pre and post-operative observation area

Adjacent to the operating block, there is an area consisting of four rooms with toilet facilities intended for welcoming patients undergoing a procedure in the operating block or in digestive endoscopy.

During the planning phase, a code is assigned to the individual based on the expected duration of post-operative observation, and accordingly, a bed or a reclining chair is provided. In the room where they are received, the individual leaves their personal belongings and retrieves them at the end of the procedure or the duration of post-treatment observation.

These premises allow for the presence of a family member, and nursing supervision is provided. At the end of the post-operative stay, the individual is given the final clinical report containing instructions for home care and the date of any follow-up appointment.

First-level surgical outpatient clinics

The facility, located near the entrance to the operating block but outside it, has two surgical outpatient clinics dedicated to minor procedures (skin/subcutaneous tissue) but also available for outpatient activities.

The Surgical area at MiniHospital: ISO 5 standard safety

The MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” area, dedicated to surgery includes two operating rooms compliant with the highest level of safety and equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and technologies: one of them follows the ISO 7 standard and one follows the ISO 5 standard. Both adhere to the UNI EN ISO 14644-1:2016 standards regarding airborne particulate concentrations, with protection for the operating table, instrument table, and sterile storage. To ensure this result, the operating room facilities provide adequate air treatment systems with constant renewal through filtration.

The ISO 5 requirement is necessary, according to the mentioned ISO standards, for orthopedic, neurosurgery, oncology, and organ transplant procedures: and in any case for all procedures lasting more than 60 minutes.

Currently, MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” is authorized to provide services classified by the Tuscany Region as “Complex Ambulatory Surgery”, for which general anesthesia may be used and which involve postoperative observation but not a proper postoperative stay.

The preoperative/recovery area for patient preparation and postoperative observation

Within the operating block, there is an area designated for “preparing” patients in the phase preceding surgical treatment. In the same spaces, patients are attended to at the end of the procedure until they are transferred to one of the four postoperative observation rooms, located outside the operating block.

Surgical Services offred by MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini”

As previously mentioned, specific procedures can be performed under local or general anesthesia, included in the list of Complex Ambulatory Surgery, with the possibility of staying in the facility for up to 12 hours after the surgical treatment.

MiniHospital “Sandro Pertini” has initiated the construction of a dedicated continuous care unit that will enable the performance of any type of surgical procedure, alongside the necessary facilities such as Intensive and Subintensive Care. The completion of the works and the subsequent regional authorization will require approximately three more months.

The availability of continuous care represents for the patient the opportunity to undergo any necessary surgical intervention, as well as the possibility for those who require it to extend their stay in the facility for a longer period than the standard one: this aspect can be particularly important for those who live alone or far away, or for those who do not have the possibility of receiving adequate care at home.

In the surgical area, procedures in numerous disciplines can be performed, and below is a partial but indicative description, referring to the current phase (as per DGR no. 932/2017 of the Tuscany Region), predating the availability of a dedicated continuous care unit.

An aspect sometimes not adequately considered is that the allocation of a specific type of intervention to a specialty may not be so strict, and, above all, specialists from multiple branches may perform the same procedure or execute the intervention as a team, combining their expertise to the benefit of the patient.

General Surgery

general surgery In the outpatient setting, it treats skin and subcutaneous pathologies including inguinal hernia, umbilical hernia, pilonidal cyst, sacrococcygeal cyst, ingrown toenail, lipomas, as well as all other suspicious skin lesions for which ambulatory removal is required for histological typing.

Reconstructive plastic surgery

The reconstructive plastic surgery deals with ingrown toenails, xanthelasma, aesthetic suturing of facial wounds, correction of earlobe clefts, incisional or excisional biopsies, removal of skin neoplasms including tumors, repair of small tissue losses with local flaps or grafts, surgical cleaning of minor burns, surgical revision of small scars, adipose tissue grafting, lipofilling, reconstruction of the areola/nipple complex.

Furthermore, it includes localized liposuction, complicated scalp cysts, sacrococcygeal cysts, revision of surgical wounds, skin grafts for limited wounds or burns, some breast surgery interventions, eyelid tumors with plastic surgery, blepharoplasty and canthoplasty, mentoplasty, thigh lift, insertion and replacement of definitive prostheses for skin expanders, scar correction with skin grafts, Z-plasty or local flaps, helical ear reconstruction, genital labiaplasty.

Surgical endoscopy

There are many application areas of surgical endoscopy :

  • In gynecology, there is talk of vulvoscopy, colposcopy, and hysteroscopy: they allow for the diagnosis and treatment of vaginal and uterine pathologies such as cysts, endometriosis, and fibroids
  • in otorhinolaryngology, endoscopic techniques are used for the treatment of sinusitis and to intervene on lesions inside the nose and throat; finally, some local treatments for snoring
  • in gastroenterology, it is possible to identify, biopsy, and treat neoplasms both in gastroscopy and during colonoscopy, in addition to some bariatric surgery treatments

Ophthalmic surgery

The main treatments of ophthalmic surgery They include nasolacrimal duct intubation, excision of eyelid neoplasms, pterygium, xanthelasma, treatment of ectropion, entropion, blepharochalasis, including complete blepharoplasty. Intravitreal injections are also performed, as well as treatment for cataracts, retinal tears, capsulotomy with Yag Laser, and iridectomy with Yag laser.

Dermatologic surgery

With dermatologic surgery

Many cutaneous or subcutaneous neoplasms can be treated, including: moles, cysts, lipomas, fibromas, papillomas, HPV lesions (warts, condylomas), seborrheic or actinic keratoses, melanomas, and epitheliomas – carcinomas. Treatment can be carried out for both therapeutic and diagnostic purposes.

Vascular Surgery

The main treatments in vascular surgery are: Sclerotherapy and radiofrequency therapy of the saphenous trunks, saphenous collaterals, and extra-saphenous collaterals, sclerotherapy of telangiectasias, classic ablative surgical therapy, ulcer therapy, treatment of lower and upper limb lymphedema, surgical treatment of vascular lesions.

Gynecologic Surgery

In addition to what is reported in endoscopic (gynecological) surgery, laser vaporizations and conizations can be performed for vaginal and uterine pathologies such as condylomas and fibroids. It is also worth mentioning the fractional CO2 laser treatment for vulvar and vaginal rejuvenation.

Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Surgery

The orthopedic surgery It deals with the treatment of lesions of various origins (inflammatory, degenerative, or traumatic) affecting different areas: the foot (metatarsalgia, hallux valgus, hammer toes), the hand (carpal tunnel syndrome, thumb basal joint arthritis, Dupuytren’s disease, De Quervain’s tenosynovitis), the knee (meniscus and ligament injuries, osteoarthritis), the shoulder (rotator cuff injuries), etc.

Urological Surgery

In urological surgery Surgical procedures are performed in traditional or endoscopic urological surgery and genital surgery: removal of hydrocele and varicocele, removal of epididymal cysts and spermatoceles, removal and ablation of testicular lesions, penile and testicular prosthesis implantation, circumcision, and frenuloplasty.

Proctological Surgery

In proctological surgery The following procedures are performed: elastic band ligation or sclerosing injections for hemorrhoids, hemorrhoidectomy with radiofrequency scalpel, laser therapy, evacuation of hemorrhoidal thrombosis and perianal hematoma, procedures for perianal abscess, neoformations, and fistulas, botulinum toxin infiltrations, prolapsectomies.

The pre and post-operative observation area

Adjacent to the operating block, there is an area consisting of four rooms with toilet facilities intended for welcoming patients undergoing a procedure in the operating block or in digestive endoscopy.

During the planning phase, a code is assigned to the individual based on the expected duration of post-operative observation, and accordingly, a bed or a reclining chair is provided. In the room where they are received, the individual leaves their personal belongings and retrieves them at the end of the procedure or the duration of post-treatment observation.

These premises allow for the presence of a family member, and nursing supervision is provided. At the end of the post-operative stay, the individual is given the final clinical report containing instructions for home care and the date of any follow-up appointment.

First-level surgical outpatient clinics

The facility, located near the entrance to the operating block but outside it, has two surgical outpatient clinics dedicated to minor procedures (skin/subcutaneous tissue) but also available for outpatient activities.

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